SOAG Goring Heath Landscape Study


Some publications resources

This page provides access to some of the documents being used in this project. The current contents on this page:

SOAG publications archive

For these large documents it is better to download the documents (right click - save as ) rather than opening them in the browser and downloading that)

Read me first - how to use the SOAG archive.pdf

All SOAG Bulletins.pdf   (135 MB)

All SOAG Messengers.pdf   (135 MB)


SOAG documentation relating to Checkendon

The Checkendon Parish Survey

This was undertaken in 1987 by Marion Fallowfield, Pat Preece and Mary Kift. This is a landscape survey which includes, on pp6-22, fields, meadows and hedges, and on pp70-86, woodlands

SOAG Checkendon parish survey.pdf  (4MB)

(Note that this is an image scan as a result of wich the document  is not text searchable.)

Archaeology at the Devils Churchyard

Excavation were undertaken in 1979-81 at the Devils Churchyard, the Iron Age feature at OS ref: SU 6525 8400.  This work was a project initiated by Oxford Archaeology who then ‘subcontracted’ excavation to SOAG under the leadership of Cynthia Graham Kerr.  Short narratives of when SOAG worked there can be found in the archive of SOAG Messengers (search either for Checkendon or Devils Churchyard and look at the entries for 1979-1982). OA wrote up the results in two documents:

A summary in a 1981 Oxoniensia article  (1MB)

A typed report by OA on the archaeology under taken by SOAG  (8MB)

A handwritten excavation report by Cyn  (24MB)

The excavation diary notes from Cyn (almost unreadable but included for completions).  (11MB)

These document are easier to view after downloading an opening  locally.

(Note that all these documents are image scans as a result of wich the they are not text searchable.)


SOAG documentation relating to Whitchurch Hill

The main document is a report of the Whitchurch Hill Village Survey conducted by Cynthia Graham Kerr. This is supplemented by two documents containing some maps and fieldwalking notes.

It is recommended that when something of interest is spotted in the survey document relating to a particular location, only then consult the two supporting documents to see if they have anything further.

The document are available here:

Whitchurch Hill Village Survey.pdf   (0.5MB)

Whitchurch Hill - some maps.pdf   (16MB)

Whitchurch Hill - fieldwalking notes.pdf   (5MB)

These document are easier to view after downloading an opening  locally

(Note that of these only the Village Survey is a searchble documenr).


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